As New Zealand’s air navigation service provider, Airways manages one of the largest airspaces in the world and provides air traffic management services that are safe, modern, technologically advanced, reliable and efficient.
We have a single-minded reason for being – maintaining safe skies today and tomorrow. We work with our customers – including airlines, airports, commercial and private aircraft operators and the New Zealand Defence Force – to ensure all aircraft, passengers and cargo reach their destination safely.
Our team, located across 19 towers and two operating centres, safely guide over 400,000 flights through our skies every year. In addition, we are responsible for maintaining and investing in the country’s aviation infrastructure to ensure we continue to deliver safe and efficient air traffic management for all airspace users.
Our subsidiary, Airways International Ltd (AIL), delivers air traffic management consultancy, airspace design, training products and services across the globe. AIL works with partners in more than 60 countries to provide safe, integrated airspace management solutions through our proactive safety culture, expert knowledge and technology enabled solutions. This keeps us at the forefront of our industry and ensures we continue to explore new solutions and technologies to help improve the travel experience for our customers.
We recognise our responsibility to make a positive contribution to the world in which we operate. We are committed to achieving Airways’ strategic goals in a socially and environmentally sustainable way that works for us, our people, our industry and our wider communities.
Airways is a State-Owned Enterprise, established under the State-Owned Enterprises Act 1987.
Airways is a founding member of CANSO, with our technical experts leading and contributing to a number of operational and safety focussed working committees within the organisation. |
Airways is represented on ICAO panels focussed on procedure development and safety. |
Airways is a Sustainable Business Network Impact Investor. |
Find out more about how we manage air traffic in New Zealand's airspace.