Airways - Making your world possible

Air navigation services and pricing

In competitive markets, market forces determine services and prices. As there is no competition for many of Airways' services in New Zealand, a different mechanism is needed to define services and service levels, and to set prices.

We carry out business efficiently and build stakeholder confidence by maintaining a clear Service Framework and Pricing Framework. These define our services, set prices and incentivise excellent performance.

The Service Framework sets out the services we provide, who receives them, and where and how the services are delivered.

The Pricing Framework defines the methodologies to price these services.

The Standard Terms and Conditions for the provision of Airways’ services present the prices and contractual terms under which Airways provides its services.


Airways Standard Terms and Conditions effective 1 July 2024 - Download PDF

Airways Pricing Framework 2022 - Download PDF

Airways Service Framework 2021 - Download PDF

Work out the costs of your upcoming flight

You can work out the costs of your upcoming flight using our Charges calulators.

Airways Pricing Calculator 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025

Pricing and service consultations

Every three years Airways consults with its customers – airlines, airports and the general aviation community - on enhancements to services and associated service prices.  Current and previous consultations can be viewed on our industry consultations page.