14 Dec 2021
Airways New Zealand today welcomed the Civil Aviation Authority’s (CAA) decision that the current Air Traffic Control services remain at New Plymouth Airport.
In May 2020 Airways started a review of the air traffic services it provides at seven regional airports which had reducing traffic volumes, including New Plymouth Airport.
“We have worked collaboratively with New Plymouth Airport on the review and welcome the decision of the CAA that will see Air Traffic Control services remain at New Plymouth Airport,” Airways CEO Graeme Sumner says.
“The Airport not only supports the city of New Plymouth but also the wider Taranaki region. It plays an important role in regional connectivity and supports the growing local economy in Taranaki, which is home to some of our most diverse tourism, arts and culture.
“We will now work with the Airport to continue providing air traffic services,” he says.
The purpose of the review had been twofold – to confirm that the right level of Air Traffic Control is provided at the airports and that appropriate agreements are in place for funding these services.
“The goal has been to make sure that there is an evidence-based service in place at all involved airports that ensures safety remains paramount, without imposing unnecessary cost onto the airlines and other operators that use the aerodrome,” Mr Sumner says.
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